now with more cowbell
Let there be light ... and chaos
Posted: 2003-02-07 18:12
4 comment(s)
Author: Phil Gengler
Section: Stuff

ok, so I'm not god, but i think that living with someone close to it is enough to justify the title.

anyway, on to an explanation of what this is and why it's here. i'd been meaning to do something like this, but with life with mr. moiron and arsjerm, i finally got around to doing it. and so, without futhur ado, i present to you version 0.0 of chaotic. why chaotic? why the hell not, and i couldn't come up with anything better, and if i should find a better name, changing it here is trivial.

content will be added whenever i feel like it, figure on every couple of days, with periods of both increased and decreased activity. and since this is probably the only chance i have to provide some tech stuff about the site, i'm going to take full advantage. currently, the back-end of the site is perl & mysql powered. this script doesn't do a whole lot, it basically grabs the stuff from the db and makes it look somewhat nicer. eventually i'll make my own life easier and add an admin part, which will have a larger textarea than phpmyadmin does.

as for other stuff to see here, basically for now, there is nothing, but i'm working to add more useless stuff to the internet, i feel it's my duty. an about me section, pictures perhaps, and assorted files should be available as my laziness lessens (typically due to an increase in boredom of work). i'm working on adding some kind of comment system here, so you can bitch at me after i post something, if you should so desire. i'll probably come up with a whole long list of deluded ideas, and then never get around to implementing any of them in more than a half-assed way, but hey, it's the thought that counts, ain't it?


» let there be comment
Posted: 2003-02-13 10:17:17
Author: pgengler

and then there was comment, and there was much rejoicing

» test
Posted: 2003-02-13 10:33:21
Author: pgengler


» test again
Posted: 2003-02-24 11:15:11
Author: pgengler

more testing

» Y.A.T.
Posted: 2003-03-20 07:26:53
Author: pgengler

Yet Another Test

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