this one's not quite dead yet
Stevens wins approval for parking garage
Posted: 2004-09-10 00:00
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Author: Phil Gengler
Section: The Stute

Stevens will finally be getting its garage, despite the months of uncertainty the structure has faced. At their June 7 meeting, the Hoboken Zoning Board gave its approval in a 5-2 vote. The vote grants the school the variances it needs to begin construction of the Babbio Center parking garage.

The final plan for the garage calls for approximately 715 parking spaces, an increase from the former Navy lot’s125 parking spaces. There will be a police substation at ground level facing Fifth Street and the waterfront, and parking will be available for Hoboken citizens attending events at the Little League field in Stevens Park or the soccer field at Sinatra Park.

Stevens' win was not without its price. The garage proposal was opposed by Fund for a Better Waterfront, resulting in eight hearings being held over the variances. Hank Dobbelaar, Vice President for Facilities/Support Services, could not provide an exact dollar amount for the cost of these hearings, but he did say that "an excessive amount of money was spent" to obtain approval for the garage.

Should Fund for a Better Waterfront, or any other citizen or group, wish to challenge the decision, the court system is the only remaining avenue. While Dobbelaar does not anticipate an appeal of the decision, it remains a possibility until October 3.

Students should not expect the garage to be finished soon. Construction has not yet begun on the garage, and when it does, will take approximately twelve months.

The Lawrence T. Babbio Center for Technology Management, the other construction taking place on the site, will likely be done sooner. Dobbelaar estimates that the Babbio Center will be opening sometime in spring of next year. Construction of the Babbio Center was delayed in its early stages over concerns about the blasting taking place.


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