spiraling towards contentless content
creative commons
Posted: 2003-02-28 10:35
1 comment(s)
Author: Phil Gengler
Section: Stuff

As arsjerm noticed last night, and possibly others have, there's something different than a regulay copyright notice. Instead, there's mention of a Creative Commons license.

What's a Creative Commons license?
Creative Commons licenses are licensing options for creative works such as writings, but instead of reserving all rights, reserve only some rights to me as the author.

Some rights? Which ones?
Under the license I have chosen, anyone may use any content found on this site, so long as it is attributed to me. The same applies to any works derived from anything here, it's allowed as long as I am credited as the original author.

For those who know me well enough, you'll know that I've recently been reading the Supreme Court decisions in the Eldred v Ashcroft case, relating to the term of copyrights. I feel that placing the content of my site under a license such as this is very beneficial to the public at large, since it is a mere step above placement in the public domain.

What about comments?
When you post a comment, you have the copyright to it. Without explicitly transferring ownership to me, you own your comment. The license only applies to that content which is created by me.

If you have any questions or comments about this, please contact me.


Posted: 2003-03-11 08:00:52
Author: pgengler

This has been added to the FAQ section, so it has a greater sense of permanence.

No new comments are allowed.