this one's not quite dead yet
update on last update
Posted: 2003-03-03 15:41
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Author: Phil Gengler
Section: Stuff

It has been brought to my attention that some of what I said in my update last night could easily be taken the wrong way, due to inadequate explanation on my part. Since I would prefer not have an opinion about me formed simply by some potentially misleading statements, I'm going to address the major things that need it.

First, I am not against programs like welfare and social security on their principles. Since a big deal was made about the welfare program, I think that it does have a definite place, and there are a number of people out there who are alive today only (partially, at least) through the welfare program. The same goes for social security. The problem I have with these programs isn't even with the programs themselves; it's with the abuses and mismanagement of them. I feel a very strong sense of anger towards those who abuse a program like welfare, which was designed to help people who had no other source of income to eat while they looked for a job, instead using it to cater to expensive tastes they otherwise wouldn't partake it. And the mismanagement of Social Security is at fault for the fact that the program is running at a loss, not those who receive the money from it. If you have any other questions, comments, etc, about my views on this, let me know.


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