now with more cowbell
Day Two: 2,946 words
Posted: 2005-11-03 09:17
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Author: Phil Gengler
Section: NaNoWriMo

Well, it didn't take long for me to fall behind. It wasn't really unexpected, though; I don't get much done at work, because I'm too busy trying to not kill myself or those around me, and Wednesday nights I spend down at the model railroad club. So the first chance I had to do some decent writing yesterday started at 10:30pm.

Around midnight, I decided to take a quick nap, since I was tired and not being particularly productive. I ended up resetting the alarm and going for 7 hours of sleep instead of 2. Such is life, I suppose.

It wasn't a day without progress, though; I managed to finish out the first chapter. I'm quite surprised at how it come out; it's rather dialogue-heavy, and dialogue is something I've never really felt comfortable doing in a story, instead tending to provide detailed descriptions of scenes and actions from the third-person view. So now I have to figure out how to work in some intermediate stuff between the real meat of the plot.


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