this one's not quite dead yet
eldred updates
Posted: 2003-03-13 13:47
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Author: Phil Gengler
Section: Stuff

Lawrence Lessig, the Stanford law professor who served as lead counsel on the Eldred v. Ashcroft case, has finally updated his blog with some info about the case, namely that a petition for rehearing has been denied. He notes that 'such petitions are never granted any more', but are commonly filed anyway, so that the case doesn't just fade into nothingness. This marks the end of the Eldred case; one can only hope this end brings about a new beginning in perception of copyright law. More of my thoughts of the case will come soon.

Also on the Eldred front, whilst reading Code and Other Laws Of Cyberspace, I became compelled to finally finish my letter to Congress about the Eldred decision. The versions sent to Sen. Corzine, Sen. Lautenberg, and Rep. Chris Smith have been added to the Files section. The content of each letter is the same; they differ only in the addressee and the greeting, so if you've read one, there's no need to read either of the others.

As previously mentioned, I am working on a synopsis of the BALANCE Act, which should be posted sometime tonight or tomorrow.

Lastly, I've added to the files section a piece by Geoffrey Heard about what a war with Iraq might be about. It's a lengthy read, but it's very well written and most definitely worth the time.


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