life, the universe, and everything
site changes
Posted: 2003-06-09 02:26
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Author: Phil Gengler
Section: Stuff

As you may have noticed, things have changed a little bit around here. The main thing is that I've made all the long items only show one paragraph (or a summary, if available) on the main page. Clicking the item's title (or the 'read more' text) will take you to the full text of the item. I'm going to work on summarizing the existing articles so that what appears makes sense.

The second thing has to with the links. I'm no longer going to be updating the daily links on weekends, instead saving anything I find for Monday, which is usually a bit dry due to the lack of anything new being reported on weekends.

If you have any questions, let me know.

UPDATE: (6/12/03 2:04am) I've changed the display code again, so now I can choose to display all of some items, and only a summary/paragraph of others. Also, I've noticed the links stuff (required reading and old links) isn't working, I should have that fixed soon.

UPDATE 2: (6/12/03 2:24am) Bugs with the links stuff has been fixed. Enjoy.


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