The European Union has given Turkey approval for initial talks regarding membership in the EU. Several member states expressed concern over Turkey’s politics and human rights records. While members of the Turkish government are hopeful about their chances, French President Jacques Chirac expects the process to take 10-15 years "at a minimum." The Turkish government has been aspiring for EU membership for years, and has implemented a number of social and economic reforms to increase its chances of being accepted.
Scientists have lowered the alert level for the Mount St. Helens volcano, following several minor steam releases. While continuing steam blasts are possible over the next few weeks, geologists monitoring the volcano "no longer think that an eruption is imminent in the sense of minutes or hours." The volcano, which has not had a major eruption since 1980 and has been dormant since 1986, began exhibiting unusual seismic activity approximately two weeks ago prior to a small steam explosion.
U.N. relief workers in Haiti have found it harder to distribute emergency supplies due to frequent violence. Supporters of deposed president Jean-Bertrand Aristide have taken to the streets this week, and have killed at least 13 people so far. Reports indicate that nearly 2,500 tons of food, intended to help those affected by hurricane Jeanne, remain on docked ships, since many customs and dock workers are afraid to come to work.
The United States and South Korea have reached an agreement that will reduce the U.S. military presence in South Korea by one-third over the next four years. Over 12,000 troops will be redeployed from South Korea in three phases, the first of which will be completed by the end of next year and reduce the number of U.S. troops by nearly 5,000. The United States will continue to maintain a rocket system in South Korea and provide financial assistance for South Korea’s defense.